anatomy tattoo

112 reviews • humor, tattoo, tattooo humor •

Anatomy Tattoos (Group)

One of the most unique anatomical tattoos I've seen yet.

Anatomy Tattoos (Group)

Anatomy tattoo! 5 Notes | lang:View comments} | Edit | Permalink |

Foot Anatomy Tattoo submitted by Mark. This tattoo was recently submitted by

Anatomy Tattoos (Group)


I also started another group on Flickr called Anatomy Tattoos to expand the

At last, a gallery of anatomical tattoos. Just what I fancied looking at too

(They can't have any tattoos on their face, obviously.)

designs which fit the anatomy. For example, traditional Japanese tattoos

Anatomy Tattoos (Group)

Anatomical calf muscle tattoo submitted by Johnny Middlefinger done by

The face Tattoo of fear

getting anatomy-based tattoos myself, in the original Gray's anatomy

Vesalius by street anatomy

cat's anatomy

anatomy. People with biomechanical tattoos are from all walks of life.

anatomical heart from the anatomy tattoo pictures off of Street Anatomy!
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